How to file married tax returns together for the 2017 tax year

Introduction: If you’re married, you probably know that filing your taxes together is key to being able to claim the most benefits from the government. But how do you do it? Here’s a guide on how to file married tax returns together for the 2017 tax year.

What are Married Tax Returns.

A married tax brackets when filing jointly that is filed together with the individual’s other income and tax returns. The married person must file a separate return for each person who receives income from the same sources.

The requirements for filing a married tax return can vary depending on the type of marriage. For example, if you are married to someone who is also your spouse, you may have to file a joint return. However, if you are only living with one partner and your spouse does not receive income from any sources, you may be able to file a single return.

If either of you files an amended or corrected tax return, the other person must also provide their share of the information required on that return.

The consequences of filing a married tax return can depend on many factors, including whether one spouse has custody of children or grandchildren, whether there is another financial dependent accompanying the couple at home, or whether both parties are working full-time but splitting benefits equally.

How to File a Married Tax Return Together.

In order to file a married tax return jointly, you and your spouse must first file a joint tax return. After you have filed your joint return, you will need to file a separate tax return for each individual taxpayer. If you are married and have children, you may also have to file a separate tax return even if you only live together.

How to File a Joint Return.

You and your spouse will need to complete the same form as usual, but one of you will need to fill out the “Marriage Information” section and the other will need to fill out the “Individual Income Tax Returns” section. The forms can be found on the IRS website or in most municipal governments’ office libraries.

How to File a Separate Tax Return.

If both spouses are working together, they may still want to prepare their own individual income taxes rather than relying on instructions from the IRS. You can find more information about this option on IRS website or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-5 FORM).

How to File a Tax Return If You Are Married and Have Children.

If both spouses are parents of children who will be taxable residents of their respective countries when they reach age 18, there may be some extra paperwork that needs to be completed in order for them both to meet requirements for claiming exemptions from taxation (for example, if one spouse is filing as an individual and the other is filing as married). For more information on this topic, please see Publication 719 – Parental Exemption From Income Taxes of Children Born Out of wedlock: General Provisions (pdf).

How to Get Help Filing a Married Tax return Together.

To get help with your joint tax return, you and your spouse need to file a joint return. To find out more, go to the IRS website and click on the “help for families” link.

How to Get Help with a Joint Tax Return.

If you are married and have children, you may be able to get help from your local county fiscal court or from the IRS if you have questions about your taxes. You can also find information about this on the IRS website or by calling 1-800-829-1040.

How to Get Help with a Separate Tax Return.

If you are married and have separate tax returns, you must complete one of the following:

a) File a Form 8886 (Couple’s Tax Return), which is called an agreement between you and your spouse

b) File Form 985 (Joint Tax Returns – Alien & U.S Citizen Partners), which is called an agreement between both parties

c) Use Form 1040X (Amended Individual Income Tax Return), which is called an agreement between both parties

d) Use Form 1098 (Statement of Earnings & Payable Taxes), which is called an agreement between both parties

How to Get Help If You Are Married and Have Children.

The IRS offers two options for helping parents who are married and have children:

1) The IRS will provide its own services, such as computer assistance or support staff, when filing a joint return

2) You can ask your local county fiscal court to do this work for you.


Married tax returns can be a great way to file a taxes return efficiently and keep your money safe. However, it’s important to take some time to prepare your return and make sure all of the required information is filed correctly. By getting help from an accountant or refund specialist, you can get a clean tax return without any hassles. Thanks for reading!

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